Welcome to the Rivers of Honey Community site, created in response to recent decisions made by the current producers of Rivers of Honey. Please read our Community Response to Rivers of Honey and add your name to our list of individual and organizational endorsements. You can also view the background information, supporting documents and related resources that we are compiling here. Below are updates and additional information that appear as we add them to the site.

TRANScending Exclusion: Event Recording

This is a recording from TRANScending Exclusion: A Teach-In on Trans Inclusion & Solidarity in Women's & LGBQ Spaces in Communities of Color, which was held on November 30, 2011. Thank you to everyone who came; it was educational and inspirational and we've had great responses from the community since the event.

We've posted this recording for those who could not make it or for anyone who would like to listen again. Please share this link with friends and colleagues.

transcending_exclusion_32kbps.mp3 (32kbps, 27MB)

Note: the audio is somewhat distorted but the presentation and discussion are audible!

Statement from Queers for Economic Justice on TRANScending Exclusion

This statement was issued by Queers for Economic Justice in response to misunderstandings about who organized the TRANScending Exclusion event.
On November 30, 2011, The Rivers of Honey Community held a forum to discuss transmisogyny, transphobia, and gender discrimination within the queer/trans community and, in particular, addressing some of the recent policy changes within Rivers of Honey, a queer (and formely trans) women of color performance collective housed at WOW Theater.
Queers for Economic Justice (QEJ) proudly endorses the work of the Rivers of Honey Community and its response to the policy changes at Rivers of Honey, and QEJ affirms its support for the transgender community and inclusive definitions of gender identity. Transphobia and transmisogyny masked as “self-defined spaces” have no place in a movement for queer and trans liberation and have nothing to do with justice or remedying past oppression.

QEJ, would like, however, to clarify that the forum held on November 30th was hosted by QEJ but was organized by a broad coalition of invested community members and was not an official QEJ event. The ideas and discussions held during the forum were not endorsed by nor generated by Queers for Economic Justice, and the recording of the event was not done by QEJ. Community members interested in the discussion during the event or wishing further information should direct their attention to www.riversofhoneycommunity.com

TRANScending Exclusion: A Teach-In on Trans Inclusion & Solidarity in Women's & LGBQ Spaces in Communities of Color

WHEN: November 30th 2011, 7:00pm
WHERE: Queers for Economic Justice, 147 W.24th Street 4th Floor, New York, NY

Join us in shared conversation and learning!

Speakers will include:

  • Naomi Clark, Sylvia Rivera Law Project
  • Lucia Leandro Gimeno, Social Work student & Trans Organizer in NYC
  • Members from Kitchen Table Giving Circle

Response to the October 7 Rivers of Honey Panel Discussion

The current producers of Rivers of Honey are organizing a panel discussion after their October 7 show; the original invitation to this discussion was part of a note that was posted on the Rivers Response' event wall. Though that note has been deleted, we still feel that it is important to respond to this planned discussion.

A Community Response to Rivers of Honey

Rivers of Honey is a women-centered monthly cabaret at WOW Café Theatre in NYC. Since it began in 1998 Rivers has served as a major cultural institution, a launch pad for artists and producers whose work might never have been seen and celebrated in mainstream venues, and a vital, queer-centric POC community space.

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